Sales Training

Presenting your company to the market is the biggest challenge you face as an organisation. You will spend many hours and possibly many thousands of pounds refining your brand image through advertising, product design, web site development, social media and so on, but the defining image for many of your customers will be the face they see most often, their rep, your salesman.

As the economy takes its first tentative steps out of recession, the market is changing rapidly and your sales force needs to be ready to take advantage. Are they?

The consultants and associates at ISR collectively bring decades of experience at the cutting edge of the electronics and automotive markets. Operating at the highest levels of major market leaders in times of boom and recession, we have the experience to add real value to your sales force operations. 

All courses are participative and interactive, and encourage development through discussion, knowledge share and challenge.

Whether it is helping you to bring on new talent, or freshening up some of the old hands, we can deliver sales training courses that are tailored to meet your requirements and combine classic principles with innovative new ideas.     

e-mail us at or call on T: 01494 445084, M: 07525 911894